My September 11th Story

This was an email written on Sept 11, late in the evening to a friend who was worried about me. It’s been lightly edited for clarity. What a harrowing day! I arrived at the office at 61 Broadway at about 8:45 a.m. My co-workers told me that a small pleasure plane had hit the World […]

Facade of 1 WTC

September 11th, two decades later

Twenty-one years ago, the United States suffered a terrorist attack on our soil.  This was not the first attack, but it was the most impactful attack since Pearl Harbor. I understand that this day changed the way Americans view their own safety within our borders. Many things changed as a result. I have a confession. […]

Announcing a concert of art songs, Oct 1, 2016

Announcing a concert of art songs, Oct 1, 2016

I am pleased to announce that I will be performing at the 2nd Annual Monroe Music Festival in Monroe, Connecticut on October 1, 2016. I will sing selections from the art song canon composed by Mozart, Fauré, Chausson, Donaudy, Rogers and Hammerstein, Weill, and Menotti. The festival, in its second year, hosted by the Monroe Congregational […]

People on Facebook

The do’s and don’t on Facebook etiquette

Facebook is a social network that many of us use every day. This is how we connect with friends, family, and in some cases, how people conduct business and networking. People use Facebook for different purposes and they are all legitimate. However, with every cultural trend, comes rules. Because people use Facebook with different levels […]

Mistakes marketers make with social media

Social Media is widely used in some form by most everyone. One of the most popular social media platforms is Facebook where many people in different demographics gather with their friends, former classmates and family to share photos and other happenings in their lives.  Facebook is widely used by young and old alike. As social […]

About me

My name is Robin.  I am a Web product manager at a large organization, but also consult, develop websites and social media strategies for select clients on the side. I am a single mother. My personal interests include art, music, film, fitness, politics, psychology, travel and many other things. Professionally, I have expertise is all facets of online marketing with […]

Building a responsive website for an artist

Building a responsive website for an artist

Update: July 4, 2016: Unfortunately, Ariel Shallit has still not paid me for my work.  This artist got paid for a commission, took the in-kind services, but did not fulfill the commission. I did not pursue this matter aggressively. I trusted that the artist valued maintaining the integrity of our personal relationship as well as his own […]

How does typography work in Responsive web design

Typography is very important part of the user experience. On the most superficial level, it makes the page look stunning, or not. It breaks text apart into more useable segments, making it easier to read the text. Depending on size and placement, it is informational, informing users how to use the page, whether it is […]

Culture is as import as talent

Have you ever wondered why long-standing people suddenly leave a company? Often it has to do with culture. Sometimes there is a merger, or a change in management. In small teams, the inclusion or exclusion of one person can have a dramatic impact on the working environment and the culture for all involved. Being a good manager […]
