Twenty-one years ago, the United States suffered a terrorist attack on our soil. This was not the first attack, but it was the most impactful attack since Pearl Harbor. I understand that this day changed the way Americans view their own safety within our borders. Many things changed as a result. I have a confession. […]
Update: July 4, 2016: Unfortunately, Ariel Shallit has still not paid me for my work. This artist got paid for a commission, took the in-kind services, but did not fulfill the commission. I did not pursue this matter aggressively. I trusted that the artist valued maintaining the integrity of our personal relationship as well as his own […]
I go through phases where I spend time on personal development. This particular phase involves cutting back and living with a little more austerity. I have cut the cable and rid myself of a home phone. I got rid of my 3G on my iPad. It’s a transition not without its headaches, but I think […]
So today was going on my third day without a shampoo. Yesterday, I washed my hair, but with water only. It looked ok. Today, not so much. I had it slicked back into a pony-tail, but since I’m sporting a crop doo, it’s pretty hard to keep it in a pony-tail. I was nervous about […]
The picture above is my daughter thanking me for a wonderful Christmas. Today is what the Canadians call “Boxing Day”. People run out to stores, and try to get the best bargains they can get, much like Black Friday after Thanksgiving. Blech! This isn’t what I have in mind when I think of Christmas. The […]
In my life, I have always been a bit of a girlie girl with an attitude. What I mean by that is that I always liked to look girlie, but I didn’t want to come off as vain or fragile. So I balanced the art of trying to look good without looking like I spent […]
If you haven’t noticed, this site looks very different. I am running it on a new platform, Drupal 7. I have very little experience in Drupal, especially version 7. Over the next few months, you are going to see a lot of changes. Things may not work right, they may not look right. Essentially, this […]
The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant, systematic duplicity. Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the opposite of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike and rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune. Our nervous system isn’t just […]
If you are like me, a bit of a jill-of-all-trades, there comes a time in your employment when you are wearing too many hats. To make the situation worse, my duties within my employ are very diverse, requiring specialized knowledge in a wide-array of subjects, not to be touched again for many months, even years […]
A common refrain by anti-tax advocates, is that the rich pay too many taxes, and the poor not enough. Often they complain that if there weren’t so many social programs, our taxes would be much lower. Furthermore, there seems to be no connection, between their rhetoric about social programs, and the percentage that we actually […]