My name is Robin and I was born and bred in NYC. I currently reside in Queens with my daughter. I have explored many things, but have to say that motherhood, is by far, the most rewarding experience I have ever achieved. Watching a little human being grow and flourish, and knowing you had something […]
This blog has been in existance for a long time using various technologies over the years. At first it was a simple html site, hosted on my Road Runner account. I was first learning HTML then, and css was largely not supported by most browsers. I was just learning HTML back then. It took me […]
In my life, I have always been a bit of a girlie girl with an attitude. What I mean by that is that I always liked to look girlie, but I didn’t want to come off as vain or fragile. So I balanced the art of trying to look good without looking like I spent […]
That’s the title of this February Parenting article. One can argue, as the article does, that it is part of the venacular, a part of modern life. I can’t say that is not true, to an extent. There is a time and a context for swear words. But those time should be rare, and the words themselves, should punctuate […]
If you haven’t noticed, this site looks very different. I am running it on a new platform, Drupal 7. I have very little experience in Drupal, especially version 7. Over the next few months, you are going to see a lot of changes. Things may not work right, they may not look right. Essentially, this […]
The great majority of us are required to live a life of constant, systematic duplicity. Your health is bound to be affected if, day after day, you say the opposite of what you feel, if you grovel before what you dislike and rejoice at what brings you nothing but misfortune. Our nervous system isn’t just […]
I started out enthusiastically running in sub-zero temperatures. I was making tangible progress in a short time. Unfortunately, it didn’t take very long to become sidelined with an injury. I got shin-splints. No matter what I did, they did not heal. Walking down the street became very painful for me, especially when there was any […]
In early May, my daughter and I took a trip to Disney World. It was my first trip to Disney, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. It just seemed like the perfect way to get some quality alone time with my daughter, and celebrate her sixth birthday. Disney is a lot different than I […]
Today my daughter turns 6. I thought it would be appropriate to repost the miracle story of her birth. All children are miracles. My daughter’s Birth story I hope I got the times right because the three days leading up to my birth, Fri-Sun are a huge fog to me. My mommy’s water broke around 4:00pm on Friday. She was still […]
Back in February, I got in into my head that I wanted to ride in the TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour. I’m a beginner rider, and I wanted to try something new and fun. But also something difficult, that I had to train for, and could be proud of. Besides, it’s not every day […]